Monday 15 March 2010

OCR Media Studies G322 - Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)

Aspects that must be considered:- (9 distinct frames, screengrabbed, anatate, typical opening sequence?

Title of the film:

Brother 2 Another


Lower Ashtead Parade,

Ashtead Railway Alley,

Skinners Lane

Costumes and Props:

Ipod Classic & Headphones

Blue Sleeping Bag

Scruffy Clothing (Deprived brother and friend)

-Hoody and Track suit bottoms

Upper class clothing (Wealthy brother)

-New Trainers, New Jeans, Smart Coat, Polo Shirt, Wallet, Keys.

Camerawork and Editing:

Hand held, Adobe Premiere, Contrasts of lives.

Title font and style:

Times New Roman, glowing white, 2 = red.

Story and how the opening sets it up:

Contrasts of lives, poor steals from rich, Brothers split at birth.

nice lifestyle, rough lifestyle.

Genre and how the opening suggests it:

Music - urban

Stealing - grimey

Sleeping rough - homeless

Nice house - Blatent contrast

How characters are introduced:

How they live their lives,

Wealthy boy, comfy house gets up and goes out, dressed casually smart.

Deprived boys, under a railway crossing/alley way.

Special Effects:

No special effects.

Budget - Nothing

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