Monday 15 March 2010


We went out filming today not really knowing what to expect, so we thought we would play things safe and generally film as much as possible, worrying we wouldn't have enough. 9am - 5pm

First obstacle - Lots of moving, parked cars. We overcame this obstacle by waiting around for temporarily parked cars to move, although generally taking the risk that we wouldn't have to re film certain bits, we made sure that whenever possible we didnt get any vehicles or pedestrians in the shots.

Second obstacle - In our storyline the deprived brother steals a chocolate from a newsagent, we weren't necessarily sure on wether the shop owner would let us film in her shop, although after a bit of persuasion she let us film, whilst there were no customers.

Third obstacle - Typically there was a recording error whilst filming in the newsagent, unfortunately we only realised this when we had got back to my house, luckily just up the road, after the embaressment we came back to the shop to re-film, luckily everything ran smoothly second time round.

Fourth obstacle - The video camera we were using ran out of battery, stopped by Daves house to warm up and let the camera charge.

Final obstacle - The change in weather, luckily the sleet came gradually and slowly, fortunately not effecting any of our shots paticularly. Although it was freezing cold and became hard to focus, although we all managed to survive.

We came across five obstacles all together, however i think we coped well and thought logically, allowing us to move on and carry on filming consitently.

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