Tuesday 13 October 2009


This film is in the genre of gangster. I knew this by the clothing which the characters were wearing and when they kill the man in the back of the car. The purpose of the opening sequence is to give you an idea of what the rest of the film is aboutm in this case killing etc, the introduction of the main characters, hook the audience by using the line based on a true story and gettin them to want to know more about the characters, set the time and scene, New York and 1970. Black screen is used to start with the names of the character with the noises of passing cars as they leave the screen. There isn't much lighting in the opening scene which gives it a myterious feel. The scene then lights up when the man in the boot of the car is revealed. A slow zoom is used to raise tension. The red light when they are stood at the back of the car, makes it look like they are covered in blood.

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