Monday 20 September 2010

AS Course Reflection

Digital Technology - we first started off by learning how to use all the recording equipment. Our group filmed a short conversation in which we got used to using different camera shots angles and movements. We then used the computers to transfer the footage from tape onto adobe in order to start the editing stage. Adobe premiere elements is the programme used in order to edit out video clips. We were able to add sound tracks to the clips using a free music website which is non-copyright. For our final piece of coursework we followed the same concepts as we did for out first clip. However we discovered several other options in which we could make our clip better in some cases such as adjusting the brightness and contrast for example.

Creativity - our group came up with something new and original by having our own original idea, but using ideas from existing clips such as adulthood for example. By doing this we managed to use the best techniques from a variety of films within a similar genre. If we had the same equipment as the professionals and the resources as well as the time, i think our film could have been vastly improved.

Research and Planning - we found that our main product was puzzled together using ancillary texts with the main piece of the puzzle as it were our original idea; pulling techniques and ideas from other texts. There is obviously room for improvement on the product.

Post-production - our audience feedback gave us the pros's and con's of our opening two minute clip. This was helpful as it shows what immediately stuck out in the audiences minds while watching the video. The con's were good as they allowed us to see where we can improve on the next piece of coursework in which we do. The pros's were also just as good as it shows what techniques we have used which were effective, therefore we can develop on them further making our next project even better.

Using the conventions from real media texts -